Legal secrets and Wealth secrets previously reserved for the rich and powerful is now possible for everyone
15 Passive Income Producers to Build Generational Wealth for Your Heirs * Discharge Debt with Promissory Notes * Live Weekly Training & Support * Master Wealth Secrets in Days Not Decades *
Creating generational wealth is one of the biggest steps you'll take in your life. Mission Possible provides you with an easy, transparent process to transition seamlessly from frustration to fortune in two easy steps.
Congratulations, you are a trust fund baby!
(If you're accepted into the workshop)
Building a community and business around that community is one of the most fun and fulfilling things I’ve ever done. My mission is to empower 3,000 impact-driven leaders to build meaningful, engaged, and profitable communities with their own mission to change the world. Ready to join me on that mission?

As an International wealth-protection and privacy professional, helping you achieve your private wealth management goals is a part of my purpose, and I hope you give me the chance to help you reach your goals in 2020. From America to countless other countries, Private Wealth Management Secrets is open to students all around the world!
Testimonials of Happy Applicants...

TOTAL VALUE: $14,500

In 30 years of research, following "guru's, and paying for courses...this is the ONLY program that is understandable by a "common" educated man. Is the ONLY one that guides you ALL the way to the finish line, and CERTAINLY is the ONLY one that shows you many ways to "pay" for it WITHOUT a dime of your current income...."
- Adam W. -

I had my Private Wealth Building consultation with Anne a week ago. This meeting was the confirmation that I needed. I left my corporate position about 4 years ago in search of a more free and abundant life. I have a background in Information Technology so my job was not particularly hard. I'm also a Realtor. I made a pretty decent salary too but I've always felt like there was much more to life. I made the tough decision to resign. I have also been interested in passive income. Leaving my comfy job put me on the path of Redemption as it relates to the straw man and being Private. It hasn't been an easy road, definitely much more challenging than my former 9 to 5 lifestyle. I've had many days where I questioned myself, "Again...why did you quit your job???"
Talking to Anne during our consultation was the confirmation I needed that leaving my job will reap the reward I am seeking. I almost felt like Neo talking to the Oracle in Matrix, lol. "You didn't come here to make the choice. You've already made it. You're here to try to understand why you made it." I love that scene by the way...(from the Matrix 2).
Anne dropped a few wealth-building nuggets that would be a part of the Private Wealth Building class. It's exciting stuff. I would so be honored to be a part of it. She also shared three wealth-building ideas that can be implemented right now! I have already implemented one of them. I am going to rinse and repeat the idea and implement it again in a week or so. I am also going to get started on the second idea of the three ideas Anne shared as well.
I definitely receive more value than what I spent. I look forward to what tomorrow brings.
- Daurice J. -

Privatewealthbundle was most definitely inspiring. It's the flame the match desires. Many happy thoughts have came to me since taking in the information and my life is now more positive after setting my desires to implement the information I received.
- Leslie H. -

My Brothers and Sisters of Another Mother.....
I write to you these words because I need to inform you that I've began another Journey.... or rather.... I'm continuing a previous one and adding a New Chapter.
Like most of You, I've begun a serious examination of my finances and determined that some action was required. So I took my 'Leap of Faith' and applied for the Workshop hosted by Anne Smith in the Iron Sharpens Iron Facebook Group. I've paid my fee for the application and started the Journey.
First... Let me talk about Anne.....She impressed me as an Intelligent and Caring Woman. I believe that she is someone that Actually Cares about what She is Doing. I felt that this IS Very Important, as I think that my Education into this Subject Matter is also Very Important.
Besides, I've had encounters with Charlatans before and they don't care about what they are doing, they Just want to get Paid!!! Anne Smith impressed me enough to know that She cares enough about my Education for me to be able to ask 'one or two' silly questions before she lowers the Boom. So I'm confident that I'll learn something from my experiences with her.
Second.... After my many technical mistakes in trying to get to my live interview with her, we were able to converse.... well, I've given my impressions already. But she surprised me by giving me a BONUS program.
She provided me with a 'Private Wealth Bundle' that involved three different methods for generating wealth within a thirty (30) day period. The wealth potential of these three programs far exceeds the investment costs and can provide a potential return of the initial investment of over three (3) thousand percent.
I'll agree that dedicated use of the PWB for a seven (7) day period, has the potential to provide a return that far exceeds the initial investment.
I'll assert that your dedication and focus in applying the PWB directly determines your potential overall return. If you don't do the program, you will not get any returns.
With the three (3) methods offered by the PWB, a dedicated individual working the three (3) methods could conceivably reach the Road to Wealth and Stay there.
Third.... I'm still waiting for the Workshop to End my Journey. Anne is busy preparing the Workshop and Interviewing Individuals. So get your spot in the Workshop before its gone.
Mention my name on your application to let her know how you heard about her. So she doesn't think you're stalking :-)
If you're interested go to "Financial Freedom" on; Just saying.
I'll let you know how it ends.
- James H. -

Exciting times! I finished my interview with Anne early last week. And I encourage you to submit your application as well. Don’t let the idea of an “interview” intimidate you, mines was encouraging, inspiring and uplifting. Anne is it wonderfully gifted and generous woman with amazing dedication to unearthing truth. And sharing it!!!
Anne’s Train the Trainer Workshop will open shortly. l’m so looking forward to this opportunity to learn how to stay private and build safe and secure generational wealth.
If knowledge is what you want and what you’ve been looking for, take the next step and secure your seat right next to mine. Don’t miss out!!
- Crystal J. -

I just sat in on an interview for the Train the Trainer Workshop. Oh WOW, WOW, WOW, AND SUPER, "WOW" ! I was a 'believer' before, but I learned enough to be one hell of an excited believer now. DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. I have always said that everyone gets two chances in life to become wealthy. THIS is one of those opportunities. Spend the funds to get in line. Even if you are not in the first twenty, this is an 'on-going' class so EVERYONE WILL get in at some point. With the information shared during the interview, you should make a 100% profit within 30-60 days IF you apply it. I am not concerned in the least about being first. Anne is providing enough information just during the thirty-minute interview to set us up for a lifetime of good cash flow. Don't worry about, "What if I don't get chosen". You HAVE been or the Creator would not have guided you to this place at this time. Take your place in line and "pack your patience"? NO, NO, NO, get busy PRODUCING and preparing to jump into the workshop with gusto and confidence. To the first twenty I say this, "Ya'll better learn this program inside and out. I don't want "fast", I want Quality training when it's my turn". Damn, I could write a book off that thirty-minute call. Don't let doubt hold you back. I had a little, but I doubt no more. I look forward to doing GLORIOUS works, not tomorrow, but starting TODAY.
- Adam W. -

I am excited to share that I had my one on one interview (regarding #privatewealthbundle) with Anne this week and, although I am full of changes going on right now (prepared and arranging, getting into a rhythm with everyone home...and now, as of last night, in full quarantine, in Michigan). I am overjoyed to be a part of the experience of learning with Anne, and to digging into new uncharted territory with regards to personal wealth. Cheers to a new way of living, one that gives a great opportunity to rise to the occasion of creating my personal vision! I will be #theboldmold into the territory of my dreams!
- Maggie C. -
Frequently Asked Questions
We will begin accepting promissory notes soon. We offer a list of financial partners where you can apply for a loan to cover the workshop fee. Inside the workshop is where you'll learn how to discharge ANY/ALL debt. However, you will need to make 3 to 6 payments to the financial institute while waiting for the debt to be discharged. We will begin accepting promissory notes soon to remove the need for loans. Simply submit your application fee to discuss the options during your interview.
The screening process allows us to determine if we're a good match to work together. The application fee is non-refundable.
Absolutely! You may apply again in three months.
Yes, if you are not accepted into the workshop, you need to submit a new application and the application fee after a 90-day period. The application fee is consideration for entry into the Mission Possible which includes the application and an interview. For clarification, the private wealth bundle is not an entitlement. It is a gift simply for applying. Rarely is a valuable gift given simply for an application process. However, we love the act of giving and helping others. The private wealth bundle is for people who are accepted into the workshop where most people meet our criteria and are accepted. For example, 26 out of 30 applicants were accepted. The accepted members receive a private wealth bundle valued at $9M. The applicants who are not accepted into the workshop will receive a private wealth bundle valued at $3M.
The workshop fee is an investment with an assessed value of $25,000, $100,000 and $250,000 by 3 independent business professionals respectively. If you are accepted into the workshop, you will receive a code for your workshop enrollment to reduce the enrollment fee from the advertised amount to the discounted rate for members who completed their interview.
You will receive an e mail within 7 days after we receive your completed application.
You will receive our application link and calendar link to schedule your interview. It is on a first come, first come basis so I recommend for you to schedule your interview right away. During your interview, you will receive a review of three business blueprints with a value of $3M each.
We will remove the Apply Now button when we reach 3,000 members. You will receive notice via email. If you're accepted into the workshop you will also receive a code to enroll. If you are declined, you may apply again in three months..

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.
IRON Sharpens IRON Council - Peaceful Inhabitants Woke AF is ground founded as a support group. It is a world peace mission. Above politics. Above religion. Above race. Above money. We believe as long as you are alive you have the choice to reinvent and empower yourself for the greater good of the community. Group Members are responsible for their own action. We are not liable for the information you use in our group. Our group is an educational page only. We do not provide legal or medical advice. and it is NOT an "anti-government" group; however, it is anti-tyranny and anti-fraud of agents/ agencies and/or impersonating government officers/ offices to trespass upon our unalienable, non prescribable, inviolable, inherent, natural/ God-given birth Right as natural peaceful inhabitants. Our goal is to impact the world, one post at a time, in a respectful, kind manner where members share freely and invite lovers of knowledge. United we stand. United we win.
Representations made by Anne Smith are aspirational statements of your potential. The success of Anne Smith, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and your results will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills, experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying the lessons, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors.
Anne Smith and all members are not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions and the evaluation and use of her products and services should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that the IRON Sharpens IRON Council is not liable to you in any way for your results in using any products or services.
IRON Sharpens IRON Council, including Anne Smith personally, may receive compensation for products and services recommended to you. Anne Smith personally uses a recommended resource unless it states otherwise. If you do not want the IRON Sharpens IRON Council and Anne Smith to be compensated for a recommendation, then our advice is for you to search online for the item through a non-affiliate link.
© 2020 IRON Sharpens IRON Council
4423 Lehigh Road #248 College Park, Maryland 20740